Increase student motivation & achievement while saving massive amounts of time grading with this 8-part mastery based grading approach
This free guide is for you if...

✔ You're a 6-12th grade math teacher frustrated by low student motivation, especially on quizzes and tests
✔ Your students never do homework and you're wondering how they'll get enough practice to actually master the concepts
✔ You feel like your life is consumed by grading - homework, quizzes, tests... you just can't get through the stacks fast enough

You will receive immediate access to the PDF guide containing
➤ The 8-part framework
➤ My rubric to percent conversion system
➤ Recommended reading list
Use a non-school email address to ensure delivery.
In addition, you'll get...
A DETAILED look inside the 8-part framework so you can find out if this is the assessment system you need to increase student motivation in your classroom!

Hey, I'm Juliana from CollaboratEd
I’m a former South Central LA high school math teacher turned independent PD facilitator. I help teachers take the struggle out of teaching students who struggle with math so that our students can break down the math barrier that has historically held them back. I can't wait for you to dig into this guide and unlock the classroom you've envisioned for yourself!

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