Get your apathetic students to participate in your math class
Learn 6 engagement activity structures that will increase student engagement, participation, and achievement of every single student, every single day
I want to increase engagement!Tell me, are you...
✔️ Frustrated by the sound of crickets in your classroom when you ask students to talk?
✔️ Feeling that it’s like pulling teeth to get your 6th-12th grade math students to participate?
✔️ Lacking enthusiasm for teaching math because it’s so draining
You would love it if...
✔️ Planning, finding, and creating engaging math activities wasn’t so time consuming
✔️ You weren’t feeling so burnt out teaching this year… giving it your all and getting no participation in return is exhausting
✔️ Students were able to experience a quick math win in your classroom everyday and boost their confidence
The Math Engagement Workshop!

Learn the 6 Core Engagement Structures you can use with any math content to spark discussion and participation from each and every student, every single day.
Click here to register
Wondering what exactly is included in the purchase of the Math Engagement Workshop?
Let me tell you all about it...
Instructional Videos
Immediate access to 6 engagement boosting strategy videos for 365 days.
Value: $397
Quick Guide
6 Core Engagement Structures Quick Guide with facilitation notes and activities
Value: $57
50+ Activities
Over 50 ready to use done-for-you engagement boosting warm up slides
Value: $57
PD Certificate
90 minute PD certificate for state credit
Exclusive Community
Unlimited access to a members only Facebook group
A $511 value, available for $57 for a limited time.
Registration includes...

50+ Ready to Use Slides
Gain access to Juliana's full library of pre-made engagement structures ready to display to students! Perfect for a 5 minute warm up that lets every student have a quick math win in your class!
Enroll in the
Math Engagement Workshop
I accept purchase orders!
Have your administrator email [email protected] ASAP to get the PO process started.
Teachers, ask your administrators for their support!
Swipe an email to send them to help get funding approval
Admin Email Swipe FileImplementing this system will..

✔️ Save you time
Never have to google, “Engaging Math Activities” again. You’ll know exactly which activities to use to increase engagement. These activity structures take 5-10 minutes of class time and you’ll be amazed at the participation it creates.
✔️ Make you excited to teach math again
100% of teachers who have participated in the workshop said they were “extremely likely” to use a strategy from the workshop in their classroom. Many comment how excited they are to share and try what they’ve learned in the workshop. When was the last time you felt that way after PD?
✔️ Increase student achievement
When students participate, they learn. When they’re engaged, they are more motivated. These activity structures take 5-10 minutes of class time, but help each and every student achieve a quick math win at the start of each class period. That is priceless.
Who am I to be teaching this?
Hey, I’m Juliana from CollaboratEd!
As a high school math teacher myself I get it.
I know how it feels to
- Be frustrated with low student motivation
- Have high failure rates in my math class
- Feel so disheartened with the lack of participation in my classroom
I also know there is something better.

I used each and every one of these activity structures in my own math support and Algebra 1 classrooms in South Central LA, East San Jose, and Denver and saw a huge increase in my students' motivation, far more students passing my math class, and most importantly.. much less time spent finding and creating activities that were hit and miss with engagement.
Since leaving my classroom in 2018, I've been hired by over 41 schools and state Departments of Education to provide effective professional development for well over 1300 secondary math teachers to increase student engagement and achievement and I’m thrilled to offer the Math Engagement Workshop straight to teachers themselves.

What are the activity structures modeled in the workshop?
Can these strategies be used with any curriculum?
I have ELLS, sped students, at risk students. Will these strategies work for me?
How do I get access?
Is the content available immediately for me to watch?
Do you offer refunds?
Will this certification count towards my state’s professional development?
Can my school pay with a Purchase Order (PO)?
Is there a discount for registering more than one teacher at a site?
What are your terms and conditions?
I have more questions. Who can I contact?

You shouldn’t spend one more minute losing your passion for teaching math…

You have a life outside of school. You have a family. You have hobbies. You’re tired of spending exorbitant amounts of time lesson planning and still having no one participate.
You’re so tired of giving it your all and having your students just sit there with blank stares. You’re tired of seeing them give up on themselves.
This workshop may or may not be for you… and it’s okay if it isn’t. The fact that you’re here and looking for answers speaks volumes about the kind of teacher you are. You’re dedicated to giving every student who enters your classroom the best education possible.
And I’m dedicated to making that easier for you.
Will you join me for the Math Engagement Workshop?
Yes! I'm in!