An assessment approach that saves you time and motivates students

Learn the 8 part framework proven to save you time grading, motivate your most challenging math students, and increase 6th-12th grade math achievement within one semester



Tell me, are you... 


✔️ A 6th-12th grade math teacher being asked to switch to Standards Based Grading without any real support?

✔️ Curious about grading approaches other than the traditional A-F system and how that would even look for math teachers specifically?

✔️ Are you feeling totally overwhelmed and inundated with grading and looking for new ideas and suggestions?

You would love it if...


✔️ You didn’t have to grade piles of nightly homework

✔️ You could see concrete examples of how Standards Based Grading or alternative grading systems actually look and work in math classes

✔️ Your students would be more motivated


The Rethinking Math Assessment™️ Workshop!

​​​​The Rethinking Math Assessment Framework™ď¸Ź uses a rubric style grading approach combined with a weekly assessment protocol that yields incredible, easy to use formative data for teachers and is compatible with standards based/competency based systems as well as traditional grading systems.

This is what I need!

Just look at what these teachers have to say about implementing the framework... 

Wondering what exactly is included in your registration for the Rethinking Math Assessment™️ Workshop?


Let me tell you all about it...

The 8-Part Rethinking Math Assessment™ď¸Ź

Instructional Videos

You'll gain access to recorded videos for each step of the framework so you're ready to implement with confidence!


Part 1: Why

Learn what’s wrong with our current grading systems and the benefits of grading with a rubric

Part 2: Research

Explore the published books that informed the creation of this framework

Part 3: Big Picture

Understand how this is all going to come together in your classroom each week

Part 4: Question Levels

Understand what basic, complex, and challenge question levels mean with real examples

Part 5: Assessment Creation

You’ll know exactly how to create your weekly formative assessment that makes this framework work

Part 6: Grading & Grouping

Learn exactly how to convert your rubric score to a percentage for your traditional grade book

Part 7: Explain To Students

Get pointers and done-for-you student slides to explain this framework to your students

Part 8: Summative Assessment

Learn how to take an existing unit test or benchmark assessment and still use this framework

In addition to the instructional videos, you'll also access…

Recorded FAQ Session

Watch a recorded FAQ call with real teachers asking real questions about the framework.

Implementation Guide

29 page printable PDF so you get it right from the start.

Resource Pack

Student explanation slides, student handouts, teacher planning docs and so much more so you’re ready to go.







To summarize,

Here's what you get when you register today

Instructional Videos

Immediate access to the entire Rethinking Math Assessment Framework™ videos

$397 value

Bonus FAQ

All the As to your Qs so you can start with confidence

$150 value

Resource Pack

Just print and go with your students

$57 value

Printable Guide

An implementation guide so you get it right from the start

$57 value

Community Support

A place to ask questions and share wins all along the way.

PD Certification

Because we gotta stack those hours for licensure.


This workshop is valued at $661.


You can choose to invest in your own PD for $97.

Enroll in the

Rethinking Math Assessment Workshop 


$97 USD

  • 8 part Rethinking Math Assessment™ď¸Ź framework instructional videos for 365 days - value $397
  • Bonus recorded FAQ session access - value $150
  • Resource pack - value $57

  • Implementation guide - value $57

  • Never ending members only Facebook group access
  • Professional development 4 hour certification


Valued at $661

Have your administrator email [email protected]

Teachers, ask your administrators for their support!

Swipe an email to copy and paste to your admin to help get funding approval

Admin Email Swipe File

This workshop was made for you if... 

âś… You teach 6-12th grade math
âś… You’re curious about a grading system that is not 0-100%
âś… You’ve been told you need to switch to standards based grading and you want to see how it works for math
âś… You want to boost student motivation (of the really unmotivated students)

You might want to pass this up if


❌ You don’t teach math

❌ You teach elementary grades

❌ You’re not open to stepping away from 0-100% grades

❌ You teach all honors and accelerated students


Who am I to be teaching this?

Hey, I’m Juliana from CollaboratEd!

As a high school math teacher myself I get it.

I know how it feels to be

  • Totally overwhelmed by all the grading that needs to be done
  • Frustrated with low student motivation
  • High failure rates in my math class


I also know there is something better.

I used the exact grading system I’ll be sharing with you in this mini workshop in my own math support and Algebra 1 classrooms in South Central LA, East San Jose, and Denver and saw a huge increase in my students' motivation, far more students passing my math class, and most importantly.. much less time spent grading student work.

Since leaving my classroom in 2018, I've been hired by schools and districts across the use along with State Departments of Education to provide effective professional development for secondary math teachers to increase student engagement and achievement and I’m thrilled to offer the Rethinking Math Assessment™️ Workshop straight to teachers themselves.


Implementing this framework and system will..

✔️ Save you time: When you implement the rubric grading system shown in this framework, you won’t need to grade nightly homework because you’ll be getting easy to use data from your students with the weekly assessment you learn about in this cohort.


✔️ Motivate your students.. Yup.. even the most challenging ones: Students learn to deeply understand this style of grading (don’t worry I’ll tell you exactly how to share it with students) and find it equitable, empowering, and extremely motivational.


✔️ Increase student achievement: Students begin to own their learning and assessments when they know exactly what’s expected of them.

Count me in!

I keep seeing post after post in teacher groups like this...

And I couldn’t stay silent anymore.

The framework IS a solution to these problems!

100% money back guarantee


I offer a risk-free 100% money back guarantee if it’s not the right fit for you.

If you register and realize it’s not for you, reach out within 48 hours and I'll give you a full refund.

Sound amazing? 

I'm in!


Check out why these teachers joined the workshop,


then come join us!

I want to be a part of this!

You shouldn’t spend hours grading piles of homework…

You have a life outside of school. You have a family. You have hobbies. You’re tired of staying late at work and getting to your classroom early just to keep up with assignments.


You’re so tired of giving it your all and having your students not care at all. You’re tired of seeing them give up on themselves.

This workshop may or may not be for you… and it’s okay if it isn’t. The fact that you’re here and looking for answers speaks volumes about the kind of teacher you are. You’re dedicated to giving every student who enters your classroom the best education possible.


And I’m dedicated to making that easier for you.


Will you join me for the Rethinking Math Assessment Workshop?

Yes! I'm in!