Bump up your math scores with these 3 score boosting secrets

How school & district administrators can help boost math outcomes of historically underserved students without overwhelming teachers so you can close the achievement gap


A national U.S. Department of Education study found that 80% of high school dropouts cited their inability to pass Algebra I as the primary reason for leaving school.*

In the results of the California Standards Test in Algebra I, just 20% of Hispanic ninth graders and 16% of African American ninth graders scored proficient or advanced proficient. In contrast, white students tested 34% proficiency or better.*

Let's change that!


I'm Juliana Tapper

I am a former high school math support and Algebra 1 teacher and co-teacher having taught, led departments, and led PLC teams at high schools in South Central Los Angeles, East San Jose, and Denver. I also served as a district math coach and TOSA where I led professional development for math and special education teachers across thirteen urban high schools.

I created the B.U.M.P. Up Framework™️ that I'm sharing with you in this training because I was frustrated with the lack of support, resources, and quality professional development for math teachers that work with students below grade level. I founded CollaboratEd Consulting LLC in 2018 and have provided high quality PD using the B.U.M.P. Up Framework™️ to over 1700 secondary math teachers and have been hired by urban schools and rural districts across the US as well as the Colorado Department of Education to increase student engagement and outcomes in mathematics.


My clients have achieved results like an 8% increase in math course pass rates, 25% increase in department satisfaction, and 100% of teachers report using strategies from my workshops in their classrooms. Let me show you how in this training!


If you’re a 6-12th grade school or district administrator who…


✔️ Is tired of spending countless dollars on digital math programs and curricula that just aren't resulting in any change in teacher practice or student scores

✔️ Knows you need to engage in meaningful discussion with your math teachers about inequitable grades and scores, but just don’t know how

✔️ Wasn’t a math teacher, but now you oversee the math department (and you're never really quite sure what they actually need)


What district leaders have to say... 

In the 45 minute training you'll learn...


▶ How to help your teachers create a classroom environment that invites participation from reluctant math learners


▶ How to support and encourage your teachers to use grade level content even when teaching students who are multiple grade levels behind


▶ How to actually get teachers to change their instructional practice without overwhelming them or adding more to their plate



Get immediate access upon registration.

This webinar is for school and district leaders only and will focus on how leaders can support teachers to boost math scores. It will not focus on strategies for teachers to use with students. Teachers, click here to get classroom updates.


Plus, you'll walk away with a copy of the B.U.M.P. Up Framework™️ you can implement immediately to bump up your math scores

How many years have you spent waiting and hoping for your students math scores to rise? For your teachers to utilize more equitable instructional practices?




Your students are capable.

Your teachers are capable.

The time is now.


*Schachter, Ron. (2013). Solving Our Algebra Problem: Getting All Students through Algebra I to Improve Graduation Rates. District Administration, 49(5) , p43-46.